Time Audit

Time is the second major obstacle to making a career change. How often do we say, “I just don’t have the time”?

Building on your Money Audit, this exercise helps you take stock of another valuable resource: your time. By understanding how you spend it, you can begin to create space for what matters — whether it’s learning a new skill, pursuing a side project, or simply reflecting on what’s next.

Just like with money, even small adjustments can open up new possibilities. Could you cut down on screen time? Delegate household chores? Say no to commitments that don’t serve your goals?

This exercise is a chance to uncover how you currently spend your time - and how you would actually like to spend your time.

The Exercise: TIME AUDIT

How to do it (Estimated time: 30 mins) 

  1. Download your calendar from the past week(you could even try 4 weeks as a stretch goal)

  2. Highlight what gives you joy and what drains you

Note: If you don’t put all your events into your calendar, start tracking it. You can use a time-tracking app or a simple spreadsheet to get it done. 


  • Are you spending time on things you enjoy or things you dread?

  • Where does your time actually go? Are you surprised by what you find?

  • If time was not an issue, what activities would you want more of?

  • Identify three or more small changes you could make to free up time.

Want to dive into time further?

Try the Tim Ferris ‘Past Year Review’

Up Next: Scenario Planning